aivancity Paris-Cachan

Boarding for aivancity


aivancity and LinkedIn are partnering to offer a unique experience to aivancity students before they actually start their program. « Boarding for aivancity » is a personalized integration program designed for aivancity students in order to help them start their studies at the top school of artificial intelligence with confidence.

In order to help them make the most of the period leading up to the start of the school year, particularly the summer vacations, aivancity has prepared, in collaboration with LinkedIn Learning, a tailor-made preparation program based on the studies of each new student. Indeed, the program will not be the same depending on whether the student has a scientific or literary baccalaureate, or whether he or she has studied business or mathematics.

​This program offers to all new students a series of 100% online courses that will allow them to integrate more easily into aivancity's hybrid education and training. It will be coupled with an on-campus refresher course covering the following main subjects:

  • AI ethics & society
  • Statistical data analysis
  • Mathematics for artificial intelligence
  • Introduction to data analysis and visualization
  • Machine learning
  • Fundamentals of Finance
  • Marketing Fundamentals
  • Human ressources management

Clément - 1ère année de Bachelor – septembre 2021

Aujourd’hui, je prépare mon bac mais, en parallèle, je commence à me plonger dans la lecture des cours d’introduction pour le bachelor. En effet, aivancity m’a adressé, au moment de mon inscription, des cours me permettant de me préparer, afin de ne pas être submergé par les nouvelles matières à la rentrée. C’est le « Boarding for aivancity » ! Cette manière de nous accueillir est très intéressante et nous permet d’être confiant.

Lire tout le témoignage

aivancity works to develop a more personalized approach to learning

The individualization of learning is one of the most important challenges of tomorrow's pedagogy. It consists in responding to the diversity and cognitive heterogeneity of learners, taking into account the individual characteristics of each student: interests; aptitudes; background; difficulties; learning styles (style, rhythm, concentration capacities...), in order to allow each one to progress and reach learning objectives, without forgetting to make the educational system more efficient and fairer.

Through various mechanisms, including "Boarding for aivancity", the school implements pedagogical practices of differentiation/personalization favoring a diversified recruitment of students, notably with different academic backgrounds.

aivancity is also developing, thanks to artificial intelligence (AI), solutions capable of creating individualized and scalable learning paths. Adaptive learning is not new in the field of digital pedagogy, but it benefits today from the contributions of connectionist AI and allows, thanks to machine learning, to design courses with a fine granularity, leading to individualized training.

Samir Beni Nouh, Education Lead, Linkedin Learning

Au sein d’aivancity, l’IA permet considérablement de créer de la valeur. Nous sommes heureux de notre collaboration favorisant ainsi le développement de cette compétence clef pour les étudiants.