The Artificial Intelligence Clinic : more than a place, a pedagogical concept created by aivancity
How can we provide AI skills now to those who need them most?
The need for skills in AI is staggering (more than 7500 specialists in France over the period 2020 - 2023 according to the latest OPIIEC report). The few available skills are monopolized by large companies that have the means to attract them with attractive salaries and comfortable environments.
Even if the training supply is growing exponentially, it will take several years to meet the demand, especially for small companies or organizations that do not have the means to invest.
This creates a market asymmetry that favors the most digitally advanced companies that take full advantage of AI's competitive advantage, thus bolstering their lead.
How can this gap be reduced? This is the aim of the AI Clinic.
The AI Clinic: a civic service at the service of students and companies.
Following the example of the law clinics in which students, supervised by professors, carry out "pro bono" legal work in the service of the general interest, the AI Clinic will borrow the same model in the direction of organizations.
There is a twofold interest
- Enable students to learn data science & AI while practicing.
The AI Clinic will require 6 to 9 hours of work per week and the projects they will be working on will be an integral part of the training. - Promote simple and free access to all organizations that need artificial intelligence to achieve their ambitions: small and medium enterprises, associations and non-profit organizations.