aivancity Paris-Cachan

About aivancity

State-recognized school

aivancity is now recognized by the State by ministerial decree of February 24, 2023. It is also authorized to award a diploma endorsed by the Ministry of Higher Education for its 5-year Grande Ecole Program, which was previously registered at level 7 on the RNCP.



aivancity is a school with a mission in the sense of the Pact Law (the first in French higher education) with an educational purpose and commitments to employability, diversity, responsibility, territorial anchoring and openness to the city. For us, this is an essential element that places the school at the heart of values and missions that will be regularly evaluated by an independent body.


The school is unique in France, and more widely in Europe, in its hybrid positioning (Technology/Business/Ethics). Artificial intelligence is not just a technical issue and must be understood in its business and societal, and more broadly ethical, dimensions. This threefold foundation is based on a pedagogy of hybridisation between disciplines. Basically, « aivancity is the Sciences Po of engineering schools ».


A school with a high-level board and a particularly rich and international faculty. This support from the board is matched by support from partners. These include engineering schools such as the University of Berkeley, the EPF - School of Engineering, and the Ecole Nationale des Arts et Métiers, as well as companies such as L'Oréal and Substrat IA, and associations and local authorities such as Numeum, the Val-de-Marne Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Île-de-France Region and the City of Cachan.


An innovative school with a lifetime guarantee of diploma updating : an invention patented by aivancity that guarantees all its graduates the possibility of updating their skills for life. But also the AI Clinic, which allows companies to benefit from a pro bono analysis by aivancity students of their projects in Artificial Intelligence.

The AI Clinic

You wish to submit a project to the AI clinic and work with our students

Call for Projects from the AI Clinic
clinique de l'ia



  • Initial training courses from Bachelor in Applied AI(bac+3) to the Grande Ecole Programme (bac+5) via an MSc Machine Learning part-time or an MSc Data Mangement, an MSc Data Engineering (bac+6 level), all recognised by the State through the RNCP titles "AI Developer", "Project Manager in AI Solutions Development", "AI Engineer", "Data Engineer" & "Infrastructure and Big Data Processing Expert"
  • These courses prepare students for a variety of jobs that are highly sought after by companies, including 25 jobs for which aivancity has prepared job descriptions.
  • A summer school & allowing young people to discover AI, its jobs, its achievements, its challenges and its implications and a unique dedicated online platform, aivancityX,to follow distance learning courses (MOOCs and SPOCs, some of which are eligible for the CPF).
  • Open Days where you can register to find out more about the school.
  • Professional training : all our programmes are QUALIOPI certified, and are backed by blocks of skills from the RNCP titles or the Répertoire Spécifique de France compétences, which are unique on the French market today - and can be financed by various mechanisms.


The first and only AI and Data school recognized by the State and awarding an accredited diploma!

By the Ministry of Higher Education, Research, and Innovation

All the details! Read the article