aivancity Paris-Cachan

aivancity Paris-Cachan was the guest of Smart Education

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Discover the replay of Smart Education dedicated to aivancity with Tawhid Chtioui, presented by Eva Ben-Saadi.

Tawhid Chtioui, president and founder of aivancity, explains why the school relies on the triptych: AI, business and ethics to train for the professions of tomorrow, with :

  • The commitments of aivancity as a company with a mission
  • Ethical issues of new technologies and in particular of Artificial Intelligence
  • Employability and guaranteed degree upgrades
  • The AI of trust and responsibility
  • The strong French need for acculturation to artificial intelligence

Tawhid Chtioui, president and founder of aivancity

Explains why the school relies on the triptych: AI, business and ethics to train for tomorrow's professions

Read the video (FR version)
l'école de l'IA