Job File : NPL/NLU Project Manager
Processing and understanding natural language is at the heart of our lives: chatbots, callbots, product or services suggestions...
The NLP/NLU project leader is at work teaching AI systems to understand and interpret human language in an ethical manner, both in spoken and written form.
- The NLP interprets words in written or spoken form.
- The NLU looks for meaning by analysing what is written or said.
NLP: Natural Language Processing interprets written or spoken language. It is used for Chatbots or voice assistants such as Alexa, for product or service suggestions (based on what customers reported liking), but also for sharing data between different departments in a company.
An example of NLP : Google uses it to automatically assign captions to its photos and classify them.
The NLU: Natural language understanding is a category of NLP (NLU = NLP + machine learning). It allows us to go further in processing written and oral data: the NLU system can show "empathy" and recognise the tone, the style used to interpret a feeling of the customer.
An example of NLU : callbot.
He can also be called Natural Language Processing Engineer. The job of NLP / NLU project manager is linked to the processing, understanding and automatic interpretation of language, a skill that allows :
- Searching and filtering information in one or more languages (on the web, in emails, in internal data...)
- Extracting and interpreting data (comments, customer reviews, frequently asked questions, specific requests, etc.)
The NLP / NLU project manager defines the technical architecture of the AI tool he/she develops (callbot, chatbot, suggestion tool, data sharing, etc.). He/she evaluates and chooses the NLU / NLP solutions but also the AI solutions (software, databases) with the business experts. They know how to prioritise and categorise data. Verbatim reports hold no secrets for him. He masters oral and written language and deduces recurring patterns to improve customer relations. His guiding principle is user experience (UX) to make his tools accessible and logical. He works with a team of experts: data scientists, developers, engineers, etc.
NLU / NLP know-how is fundamental for sales and marketing teams. It offers 24/24 response services for customers (via chatbot or callbot).The identification of opinions (surveys and polls), the interpretation of comments and emotions (product reviews or posts on social networks) are valuable sources for sales and marketing strategy: solving recurring problems, understanding expectations, identifying trends, etc.
Long held back for online sales, NLU and NLP systems now have applications in various fields: transport, automotive, cosmetics, banking, insurance, media, etc.
Both NLP and NLU use data: their bias and confidentiality therefore present an ethical issue. Capable of "empathy", the NLU raises other concerns, such as vulnerable or unsuspecting users attributing human feelings to AI systems that they do not have. The functions of automated systems must be designed in respect of the boundary between suggestion and manipulation. This ethical vision is inseparable from chatbots, callbots and other AI robots. The NLU / NLP project manager can rely on legal advisers in artificial intelligence or ethics managers.
aivancity's programs incorporate all components of artificial intelligence and its challenges, whether technical, technological, commercial, ethical or legal. It is a global and hybrid training that allows future aigineers to answer the many challenges of economy and society related to the exploitation of data’s potential and artificial intelligence
In addition to his or her linguistic and IT skills, the NLP / NLU project manager is familiar with AI in all its aspects: business, technological and application-related. Computer programmes and software tools (such as IBM's Watson, Smartly, QWAM or DialogFlow) are part of their knowledge. Conversational UX (oral and written) is a major asset for the position.
Analytical skills, initiative, autonomy and curiosity are essential qualities. A good communicator, the NLP / NLU project manager likes teamwork. They adapt and anticipate. He/she has an enlightened vision of customer relations.
The NLP / NLU project manager works for a company that develops its own tools or for a company that markets solutions (Yelda, Zendesk, Microsoft...).
He/she may progress to a position of department manager.
Customer relations have taken on another dimension thanks to the performance of NLP / NLU project managers. Time savings, targeting accuracy and trend anticipation are the big winners in this AI category.
*IAgineer and AIgineer are terms registered and protected by Aivancity.