aivancity Paris-Cachan

If you were an AI, what would you be?

William MSc Data Management

Qui es-tu ?

Je m’appelle William, j'ai 26 ans je prépare un Master en Data Engineering à aivancity. J’ai un Bac scientifique en physique-chimie j'ai par la suite eu un Master en finance à l'Université Paris Créteil et j'ai travaillé dans une banque et je me retrouve maintenant à aivancity.

Why are you interested in AI ?

Artificial intelligence is a field which is growing in all over the world, especially in large companies, and that's exactly what I'm looking for in my future.


What's your favourite subject ?

My favorite subject is data mining, because we do a lot of practical work, especially using the Python language on the computer.


What are the requirements for your course ?

The requirement for the diploma is good technical skills, since there's a lot of practical work involved in our assignments.


What is your career plan ?

My career plan would be to return to the banking sector with the Data Engineering diploma to combine my Master's degree in Finance and my Master's degree in Artificial Intelligence.


What advice would you give to future students ?

The advice I'd give to future students is to take an interest in programming, high-tech and Big Data, and above all programming.


If you were an AI, what would you be ?

If I were an AI, I'd be Siri, to meet the needs of all the users who use me.


Did boarding* help you ? (*Customized integration program)

The boarding was useful. It allowed me to understand and see new aspects and a lot of programming concerning things I didn't know.

« We are inventing an educational model that transcends traditional disciplinary boundaries: a total hybridization of technology, business management and ethics. »

Tawhid Chtioui, President and founder of aivancity