Dans le numéro de la semaine 42 du parlons IA, découvrez une compilation d’articles traitant de divers sujets, notamment les opportunités offertes par l’IA pour accélérer les processus scientifiques, créer de nouvelles opportunités d’emploi, mais aussi contribuer à l’avancement des recherches sur les maladies neurodégénératives.

How AI is speeding up scientific discoveries?

Researchers are excited about the possibility that AI speeds up the scientific process — from quicker drug design to someday developing new hypotheses.


Researchers are excited about the possibility that AI speeds up the scientific process — from quicker drug design to someday developing new hypotheses.

Generative AI is an amazing achievement and a valuable resource, but we have to be clear-eyed about where these tools might take us.

Is AI Going To Steal Your Job? Nearly 50% of Employees Think So

Over 35% of global companies admit to using AI within their business, according to data, with 42% reporting that they are exploring the use of this at present.

AI Uncovers Secrets of Brain Aging

Researchers used artificial intelligence to create « HistoAge, » an algorithm that predicts age at death and explores brain aging and neurodegenerative disorders.

Business AI will change the way businesses are run

GenAI has nearly limitless potential to reshape your operations, goals, and strategies.

Redefining education in the AI era: the rise of generalists

ChatGPT’s arrival has sparked concerns about its potential downsides. It has led to debates and the creation of tools to identify assignments aided by ChatGPT.

Why The Future of Artificial Intelligence in Hybrid

In recent weeks, the flurry of new generative AI products— from ChatGPT to Bard and others based on large language models— has created an excessive hype cycle.

Soaring demand for AI could see the technology consume enough energy to power a small country

The energy demands of artificial intelligence (AI) could be equivalent to those of an entire country, according to an academic.

‘Digital obsolescence’ & jobs: What the rise of artificial intelligence really means

A professor from MIT addressed the worry of AI causing job disruption by replacing humans with data analytics and automation.

Over 85% Indian employers expect AI to create new jobs in 1-5 years, says report

Employers foresee AI’s positive impact on work productivity and manageability and improved job security and career development opportunities for their staff.

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